Lights Hope Disconnected From Server at Login Updated FREE

Lights Hope Disconnected From Server at Login

Hello, I seem to keep getting a "disconnected from server" afterwards i login and information technology tells me information technology is connected. This s probably my fault as my internet was giving out and i tried to sign in a bunch of times. What is the best remedy to this situation?

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

I call back it'south not you, I'yard having this ane also right now. The instant disconect as the last step of the loading sequence while the servers seem to exist staying online. Never occured to me before, so hopefully information technology's only some server issues. (it'due south got fixed by the time I wrote this)

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Insta DC for some people


I play on Kronos I and ever since I tried to log in last night at around 1 am to now I become instantly disconnected after achieving success. This lets me hit "enter" and go to choose the realm I wish to play on, then I noticed that Kronos II works perfectly fine merely Kronos I just doesn't let me in.

This issue does not affect everyone every bit it seems, but some of us are locked out from logging to K1. I'm just curious if GMs are enlightened of this and what may be causing it, also as an ETA on this being resolved would exist very much appreciated!

I'm sorry if there are other topics with this information already, I personally didn't find whatever so I took the initiative.

Hope to hear from you guys shortly,


Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

I still accept this upshot.


Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

got same problem

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

The same there I am able to connect all twinstar servers even kronos 2 simply on Kronos 1 insta disconnected from server since today.

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

I am having the same issue, had it for ~20 hours at present.

Re: Insta DC for some people

Exactly the same issue at that place. :/

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

having the aforementioned problem


Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

Can't log in for about a day now because of "Disconnected" afterwards "Success", while many others are able to log in. I can't even imagine how many people are experiencing the aforementioned and thinking that server is simply offline.

Why are our connections beingness denied?

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

same for me... before our raid on seven pm i got in after ten tries, then wanted to login the right char and since and then i insta disconnect all the fourth dimension.. tried it the whole raid and today i still tin't login while EVERY1 in our order got in later on some tries except me...
annoying as fuck to be the merely one that can't go in.. promise this server is fixed in the next 2 months until aq releases, because equally it is now i rly start to lose motivation afterward like 5-six weeks of fixing things and however no light at the end of the tunnel

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

Aforementioned trouble with my account

Re: Automated "Asunder from server"

Aforementioned and its related to my network IP as I can login from other networks...

Re: Automated "Disconnected from server"

I have the aforementioned issue. Earlier today, I was able to get in past keeping trying. Merely right now, the K1 server merely won't let me in. I can get into K2 server only fine.

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

Ok, at least its not just my account.
Hither are some things i've noticed that can bypass this:
I have accounts on both K1 and K2. It tends to only be my accounts on k1 at whch it does information technology.

When at he "Success" and "Continued" stage, i click on abolish immediately, earlier it gets to the "asunder". Sometimes i doesn't work, but often i am then able to choose which realm i want to join. Since it doens't see mto dsiconnect my k2, i click the k2 start, and then if i want to play on k1 (my main account), i modify realm from there. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but more frequently it does.

Promise that helps!

Re: Automated "Disconnected from server"

got this trouble 2

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

Still waiting for a solution to this problem.

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

It has been 1 day or more since this has happened, at to the lowest degree some update from the GMs would be great...

The dreams of pre-nostalrius Kronos are slowly fading away...

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

If u use vpn or change ur ip adress u are able to connect. And so it seems like we are all in some kind of ip ban.

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

If u apply vpn or change ur ip adress u are able to connect. And so it seems similar nosotros are all in some kind of ip ban.

VPNs are not allowed I call up.

Re: Automatic "Asunder from server"

has anyone beable to get onto Kronos 1 notwithstanding as number 2 works fine

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

I've been on business relationship manager, and I come across no IP bans. VPNs are not allowed.

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

OKey, they are not allowed merely how could I connect in other style?

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

OKey, they are non allowed merely how could I connect in other way?

You tin can't that's the point.

Re: Automatic "Disconnected from server"

the same to me, deceit login on k1 but k2 is fine. This issue since yesturday. Why GMs cant answer?

Lights Hope Disconnected From Server at Login



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